A successful conclusion! Highlights of Huaihai New Energy2024 Global Service Marketing Summit

The Huaihai New Energy 2024 GlobalService Marketing Summit was successfullyheld on the 22nd! This summit was a largescale and unprecedented industry top-levelevent, bringing together partners from 15countries and regions to share industrialdevelopment opportunities and collaborateon the future of industry development.

With the theme of “New Economy, NewTechnology,New modes,New Forms,andNew Huaihai,” the summit featured keynotespeeches and reports on topics such as SinoForeign Two-way investment cooperationdevelopment modes, automotive productbusiness modes, sodium battery and energystorage product business modes, electricproduct business modes, and fuel productbusiness modes. lt comprehensively revealedthe business operation modes of HuaihaiHoldings Group from all angles and exploredopportunities andfuturemarketnewcooperative development modes

Mr. Sun Nan,Deputy Director of theXuzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce,Mr.Jiang Yun,Secretary-General of the ChinaOverseasDevelopmentAssociationChairmanof the China Chamber ofCommerce for Motorcycle Tricycle BranchDirector-Generalof theMiniVehicleCommitteeoftheChinaOverseasDevelopment Association, Secretary of theParty Committee and President of HuaihaiHolding Group,Mr. An Jiwen, and otherleaders attended the summit.


Mr. An Jiwen, Chairman of the China Chamber ofCommerce for Motorcycle Tricycle Branch, Director-General of the Mini Vehicle Committee of the ChinaOverseas Development Association, Secretary of theParty Committee and President of Huaihai HoldingsGroup delivered an important speech.

Mr. Sun Nan, Deputy Director of the Xuzhou MunicipalBureau of Commerce, delivered a speech.

Mr. Jiang Yun, Secretary-General of the China OverseasDevelopment Association, gave a speech.

Ms. Xing Hongyan, Vice President of Huaihai HoldingGroup and General Manager of Huaihai Cross-border Ecommerce Co., Ltd., made a presentation on “sino-Foreign Two-way investment Cooperation Development Modes.

Mr. He Jie, Vice President of Huaihai New EnergyAutomobile Company, and Director of the AutomotiveResearch Institute, gave a presentation onAutomotive Product Business Modes.

Mr. Yang Weibin, Director of Huaihai Holding Group andGeneral Manager of Jiangsu Huaihai New Energy Co.,Ltd., delivered a presentation on “Sodium Battery andEnergy Storage Product Business Modes.

Mr. Hu Haiyang, Director of Huaihai Global ProductManagement Center, gave a presentation on “ElectricProduct Business Modes.

Mr. Cheng Guanxing, Director of Huaihai Global ProductManagement Center, presented on“Fuel ProductBusiness Modes

In the future, Huaihai Global will takeproactive steps and make breakthroughscontinuously strengthen the new modes ofForeignSino-Two-wayinvestmentcooperation development, and promote theinternationalizationofHuaihaiwithdetermination! Huaihai Global will join handswith overseas partners to collaborate, buildand share the achievements of HuaihaiInternationalization, and create a new futurefor industrial development!

Post time: Jan-24-2024