Huaihai Science Popularization——Don’t let the cold beat your electric vehicle! Winter battery selection and maintenance guide

The last round of cold air finally came to an end, and the temperature began to show signs of warming, but this year’s winter really gave us a shock. And some friends found that this winter not only the climate is cold, their electric vehicle battery is not durable, why is this? How can we maintain the battery in the cold winter? Below, let’s uncover the mystery of winter maintenance of electric vehicles.

Battery is the core component of electric vehicles, and its performance directly affects the vehicle’s driving range and safety. Therefore, choosing the right battery and maintaining it regularly is of great significance to extend battery life and improve vehicle performance.

1. Choose the right battery.
In the winter, if the use of electric vehicles, according to the life point of view, the lithium battery as a whole is better than the lead-acid battery, the specific order can be: ternary lithium battery > lithium iron phosphate battery > graphene battery > ordinary lead-acid battery. However, although the lithium battery has a long life, it can not be charged at temperatures below 0 ° C, when the lithium battery is charged at zero ambient temperature, there will be “negative lithium evolution”, that is, the irreversible formation of “lithium dendrites” this substance, and “lithium dendrites” have electrical conductivity, can puncture the diaphragm, so that the positive and negative electrodes form a short circuit, which will lead to the occurrence of spontaneous combustion hazards, which affects its practicality. Therefore, users in the winter temperature below 0 ° C area must choose the right battery when purchasing electric vehicles.

2. Check the battery power regularly.
In winter, the temperature is lower, and the battery activity will be reduced, which will lead to a slower discharge rate of the battery. Therefore, during the driving process, it is necessary to regularly check the battery power to ensure that the power is in sufficient state. If the power is insufficient, it is necessary to charge in time to avoid faults such as panel grid deformation and plate vulcanization caused by excessive battery discharge.
3. Choose the right charging equipment.
When charging in winter, it is necessary to choose the appropriate charging equipment, such as the original charger or a certified charger, to avoid the use of inferior chargers to cause damage to the battery. In general, the charging device should have a temperature control function that can automatically adjust the charging current and voltage according to the ambient temperature to avoid overcharging or undercharging the battery.

4. Keep the battery dry and clean.
When using the vehicle in winter, avoid exposing the vehicle to a humid environment to avoid moisture on the battery. At the same time, it is necessary to regularly clean the dust and dirt on the surface of the battery to keep the battery clean.

5. Check the battery performance regularly.
Periodically check the battery performance, including battery voltage, current, temperature and other parameters. If any abnormal situation is found, handle it in time. At the same time, it is necessary to regularly replace the battery electrolyte or add an appropriate amount of distilled water to maintain the normal working state of the battery.

In short, the battery of winter electric vehicles needs to be scientifically maintained, and I hope that by understanding this knowledge, you can make your electric vehicles not afraid of the winter.

Post time: Dec-30-2023